Dear Daughter


The first time I held you, I felt the weight of your world in my arms. Your scream and cries as you came out of your mother’s womb was the calling of a brand new responsibility-a call into action into this new endeavor that God had gifted me with.

Looking at you gave me flashbacks to when I myself was a child. I was dependent on their care, their attention and their presence in my life. I grew up to be the man I am today because of them. The clock has kept ticking since, and here I am holding you knowing that the role of a parent has been handed to me.

I pray to our Almighty God that He would give me wisdom, patience and serenity to be a lighthouse in your life. This life will test you, and it will challenge you — but keep your head up baby girl. I know you’ll grow up to be a strong woman, and there is nothing you can’t do.

I promise you this, your mom and I will always have your back. The love that we have for each other will always permeate in our home. You are the extension of that love. It’s why we chose your name with diligence. Gianna- “The Lord is gracious”

May His grace and favor forever be by your side.

I love you


- Dad

